projects.            industrial portfolio.            about me.

about me.

Hi! I’m Sam, a versatile designer, with great interest in bringing ideas and concepts into life. There is always  a focus on maximising user experience, craftsmanship, and quality, while ensuring sustainability and regeneration stay at the core of everything I create.

Having spent eight years studying and working in engineering environments, I'm able to bring engineering logic, critical thinking, and grounded, yet creative ideas into the design process.

Whenever I'm not working on projects, you will find me learning new skills, new software, or reading about the world. I'm passionate about making the world a better place, so will always be looking for the next thing I can be involved in.

Ultimately, I take value in combining the identity of design and technical qualities of engineering. They should be at the heart of everything we do, working in harmony to produce the best outcome possible, and I hope this comes across in my projects.

career history.

© Jam Scones Design 2023.  all rights reserved.